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What's Holding You Back?
With the intention of inspiring others to push themselves past their perceived limitations, and stop playing small when it comes to living your life and achieving your goals. Low confidence, leads to a lot of inaction, and missed opportunities - which ultimately feels like you're just wasting your time and not getting any closer to what you really want in life. Get your copy of  The Pain of Playing Small Ebook today.

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Becoming A Profitable Beauty Business
A common area that is challenging for beauty professionals is there pricing structure. We - beauty professionals - as a whole (generally speaking), under-value our time, skills, expertise, and product cost and consumption. Often, we struggle, even though we're busy and clients are flowing in and out of our business. We start to feel slightly ashamed for struggling, and tell ourselves all kinds of false stories about our abilities, and then never really ask for help.  Let's skip all that heartache, with the Pricing Like a Pro Ebook for beauty professionals. It covers some key concepts to consider when establishing your pricing structure in your beauty biz. Part 2 is much more detailed and will only be released if there is enough deman for it - so help spread the word to get access to more!

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