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Protective Hair Accessories

Protective Hair Accessories are a Gamechanger!

Most people have the priviledge of never needing to consider 'protective' accessories for their hair. They have strong, course, thick hair strands that can withstand just about anything, and still look shiny and glorious.  There are, however, some of us who need to start implementing strategies to take care or our delicate, easily damaged, rapidly shedding or thinning hair types.

We have a hard time accepting when things start to change due to age-related factors. We never think we're 'there' yet - but of course it can creep up faster than you would expect! Major changes can start to occur for some people as early as age 35. So, by the time you are over 40 or beyond, there are definite 'age-related' situations that we have little control over, but we can take extra precautions to try to alleviate the negative effects.

But it's not just aging that can cause damage or changes in the quality of your hair. Hair can be easily damaged by heat, chemicals, and excessive tension or pulling (like tight ponytails).  Even if you're using 'top of the line' products, there's still only so much they can do to help. My top recommendations for hair care in general are:

  • healthy diet - proper amount of protein for your age and body type, you can google this to find out what is best for you.
  • take your vitamins - regular multivitamins, biotin, and fish oils are very beneficial to our hair and nails.
  • regular exercise - even if it's a light amount of exercise can increase blood flow, promote detoxification through sweat (and improve digestion), and is beneficial for our mitochondria (beneficial for our cells and overall health).

Another important consideration for fragile hair types is FRICTION! We may not even consider what our hair is in constant friction with. Things like our seatbelt, pillowcases, scarves/turtlenecks, necklaces/earrings, and more. We often don't even think of these things, but if your hair is very delicate or sheds easily, we can't ignore these possible causes. Also a common issue is tying your hair up with the wrong accessories that contribute to breakage and shedding.

Some people already know the importance of satin bonnets, but they can be amazing to just keep your hair up and away while you're doing chores, or sleeping! They're also adorable, so, you should get some.  We have some with either elastic/stretch to fit, or drawstring closure for less friction.

If you're not a fan of bonnets especially for sleeping, no worries! Satin pillow cases will save the day! Not only do they keep you cool while you sleep, but are so smooth, there is almost zero friction to your hair while you sleep. 

Satin scrunchies are clearly the winner for tying your hair up. They are cute, colourful, quick and easy to use, and are a big trend for 2023. As long as you don't wrap it too tight, these are great for removing from the hair without causing breakage.

Satin headbands are a fun, stylish accessory. They're a functional way of keeping your hair out of your face without causing more baby hairs around your hairline. I know people like baby hairs and even style them up nicely, but for some of us, baby hairs are actually a sign of our hairline receding!

We definitely have some great options if you are interested in protecting your delicate hair strands. These also make great gifts, so get them for friends!






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