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Self Care = Beauty Standards for 2023

Self Care = Beauty Standards for 2023

I suggest your 2023 beauty mantra to be something like "Beauty + Relaxation + Self Care = Gold Standard."

Seems like a lot, but it really isn't.  Let me break it down for you. These beauty essentials can set you up to feel your best in 2023 and beyond.

Beauty is a key element in self esteem for many people. No one can deny the power of looking your best and how much it helps you feel your best. This should always be a consideration in your daily/weekly/monthly routines.

Relaxation sounds like a sin in this ever powerful hustle culture we live in. But relaxation is quite literally a major building block in the regeneration of our cells.  It is crucial to feeling healthy and strong, and helps your skin and hair regenerate as it should. So avoid burnout, and schedule some quality relaxation time!

Self-care can sometimes feel like an elusive, mythical creature. As much as this may seem obvious, but your self-care routine is a powerful part of looking and feeling amazing. Instead of just adding more lotions and potions to your cabinet full of products at home - have you considered adding light therapy for your skin? Light therapy uses the different light spectrums to help heal and detoxify your skin. It is a popular, and effective contribution to 'anti-aging' skin routines. We have 2 types of LED masks for you to start using light therapy for your skin; one is a LED Facial Dome mask, and the other is a Facial Rejuvenation Mask with Neck Plate, because we can't forget about our neck!

Adding regular steam treatments to your skincare routine can make a huge difference in the texture of your skin. Regular cleansing, extracting, toning, moisturizing are all crucial steps - but most people may forget how beneficial steam is for your skin. It improves deep cleaning and extracting to minimize pores and increase a smoother texture to your skin. Steam also improves moisture retention and improves the absorption of your favorite moisturizers.

There is a lot more information out there now, more than ever, about the importance of sweating out our toxins. Some people don't like sweating and think it's gross, but it's important to remember that it's an essential part of our bodily functions! It's another way for our bodies to eliminate toxins. So there's #1, #2, and think of sweating as #3! :)  Seriously though, it can improve your cardiovascular health significantly, and everyone needs to take that seriously. We don't always get to exercise as much as we want, or don't always break a sweat when we go for a walk, but sweating is super important! A handy solution is to have it accessible at home with a sauna blanket.  With just 30-40mins a day, 2-3 times per week, you'll be giving your body tremendous long term results by improving your cardiovascular health. Order your sauna blanket today and get started improving your health.

It may even be a great add-on service to your beauty business!

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